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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Beach Volleyball

Despite the fact that volleyball is how we met, and has played a huge part in our lives over the past ten years, we rarely get the chance to take our volleyball to the beach and knock around a bit.

We've had a couple of times when the kids got upset because we wanted to play by ourselves for a few minutes, which I guess is hard to accept when you get mummy or daddy attention 24/7, and only recently have we been able to leave them playing in the water and 'dig set spike' a few ourselves.

So it was a lot of fun today to get a chance to really play, and we enjoyed reliving a few of the old times when we would play quite competitively, even just the two of us, having fun challenging each other to pick up the ball we've just hit nice and hard.

Eventually, Isise and Max notice that we are giving each other more attention than them, and persuade us to stop and let them play. With a little coaching, both of them show that they are ready to learn this game, chips off the old blocks, we like to think. Max, of course, takes after his dad and will be able to rub his sisters nose in the sand in a years time....

We took some video too, if you have a moment.....

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Blogger Julia said...

Such a cute video of Max!
Awesome background for your photo.

7:31 am  

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