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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hanging out on the Vineyard

We've never stayed in one harbour this long! Here we are, a week in Martha's Vineyard and enjoying the delights of this little island, made doubly enjoyable by the fact that we have friends who live here, and the tourist season is all but over as kids return to school and September begins.

We always had Martha's Vineyard on our list of places to visit, and the fact that my friend Fred lives here year round made it a must stop place. (in New England there's a big difference between summer residents and year rounders) We fetched up in Vineyard Haven last Friday and planned to stay till Wednesday. That was until Fred invited me to sail with him in one of the major races of the year this Saturday. We decided to stay a few extra days, which gave us more time to explore the island and take advantage of the great bus network, especially as this is the start of the quiet season so everyone is more relaxed and things are less packed.

Unfortunately, this has left us here just as Hurricane, or maybe Tropical Storm, Hanna makes its way up the US East Coast. Not to worry, we'd have to deal with it somewhere and here is pretty much as good as anywhere, so we are arranging to get Ty Dewi on a mooring in the sheltered Inner Harbour for tomorrow night, when the worst of the winds are forecast. The race we have stayed for should still go ahead, although we might get some pretty heavy rain during it but the strongest breeze will be later.

Right now it's lovely and calm outside, though somewhat less than calm inside as the kids are winding each other up when they should be going to sleep - we are trying to ignore the sounds of torment and torture coming from the forward cabin. They are on their own at this point (10:50pm !!)

We'll let you know how things go with the racing and strong winds, watch this space. Meanwhile, a few photos:

- Issie on the 'Flying Horses' carousel, the longest continuously running carousel in the USA
- Jumping waves on Oak Bluffs beach
- Gesa and Issie in Oak Bluffs
- Gingerbread 'cottages' in Oak Bluffs

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Blogger Julia said...

I hope all is well and that the storms did not affect you too much. Can't wait to read about the race and how well you did. The kids look like they are having fun and learning and experiencing loads!! Always in our thoughts here on the other coast!


7:28 am  

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