Max is three....!
Yes, Max has turned 3 - time really flies right now, and how often we are reminded that if we blink, it'll be gone and they'll be off to university with us wondering where all the years went.
We had a great party with his best friends, a 'planes trains and cars' theme and a good time had by all - even the parents.
Apologies for the lack of blogging, a combination of a lack of time plus some technical issues that have made it harder to upload the pictures which discourages us, but I'll try to fill in some gaps soon.
Hi guys,
I can't believe Max is three! Amazing.
I know what you mean about technical issues. I've been having the same problems and it took me all day last Sat to find a fix. I got around it by downloading the new version of picasa from google. There is a button at the bottom called "blogthis" and it lets you go straight to the blogger editor. You can put multiple pictures in rather than just one at a time from Hello. Hope this helps, Mig xx
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