For those that don't know, I leave Cambridge tomorrow to go back to Aberdeen, but rather than the weekly work commute, this is holiday time! I'm going to join the yacht 'Gallivanter' (see earlier entries) to be her skipper for 2 weeks as we go from Aberdeen, round the top of Scotland and down to Mallaig.
This is part of her trip around Britain for the research project
'Around Deeply'. For this part of the adventure, there will be four of us on board, and we are hoping for some amazing sailing through some of the wildest parts of mainland Britain, as well as a visit to Skye.
I'm gathering a small arsenal of electronic kit so that, O2 mobile permitting, I can post entries and photos to this blog every couple of days. To this end I have digital camera plus 2 lenses, laptop, mobile, bluetooth widget, card reader, wireless mouse, battery chargers and power cords, chart software, imaging software, tidal software, MP3 converters (to keep me in music on the night watches) and a few other things besides.
Sailing, of course, is about getting away from the complexities of modern life....
Anyway, keep an eye on this site for updates, and I'll have thousands of photos to bore you all with when I return.