Blown over
It was windy here last Thursday, so I took a trip over to check on the boat. Ty Dewi had been sat happily in the water all through it. The marina staff said that they had had 100 mph gusts but our boat sat there hardly moving whilst all the others bobbed like corks.
Surprisingly little damage to anything, except poor SailAway, a 43 foot boat up in a cradle for the winter. She had been lifted up on the cradle, which had twisted badly and punched a hole through her hull. Luckiy she came down on the grass, not the concrete, and didn't roll down the bank in front of her. She also only grazed the little boat next door, but there's still going to be plenty of repair work for someone.
Back on Ty Dewi, you wouldn't have known anything had happened - not even a trace of chafe on her lines. Rather reassuring, really.